The Employment of Educators Bill

28 AUGUST 1998 The Minister of Education assessed the historic problems around the employment of teachers concisely and with the Employment of Educators Bill took a major step towards regulating and stabilising the teaching profession. The Bill clarifies the various...

National Environmental Management Bill

21 August 1998 Under Apartheid the environment was considered secondary to development and making profits. The National Party Government was reckless, irresponsible and shortsighted in dealing with environmental development issues. The ANC Government believes that...

Skills Development Bill

31 July 1998 The Labour Ministry has tabled a major Bill that will give new impetus to quality training in South Africa. The Skills Development Bill aims to set in motion a skills revolution as the central part of South Africa`s drive for growth in employment and...

Major achievements this year

9 June 1998 This year has so far seen a number of Bills enacted, with a further 10 passed by the National Assembly currently before the NCOP. This Bulletin will highlight some of the most significant and transformatory Bills and other achievements. The Bills passed in...

The National Water Bill

2 June 1998 Water is a scarce and unevenly distributed national resource that belongs to all the people. Because of the discriminatory laws and practices of the past government, all South Africans have not had equal access to water and the use of water resources. The...